what crystals cannot be charged in moonlight

Crystals are believed to have powerful healing and energy properties that can benefit both the body and the mind. One of the most popular methods of charging and cleansing crystals is through moonlight. Moon charging involves placing crystals outside or near a window during the full moon to allow them to absorb the lunar energy.

That is a common practice that many believe enhances the energy of their crystals. Clear quartz, selenite, amethyst, moonstone, labradorite, carnelian, and citrine are crystals that can be charged in the moonlight.

However, did you know that not all crystals can be charged in the moonlight? In this article, we’ll explore which crystals can and cannot be charged in the moonlight and why.

To answer the question in short, crystals that fade or deteriorate in sunlight should not be charged in the moonlight. This includes halite, scolecite, chrysanthemum stone, wulfenite, ulexite, chalcanthite, and Gaspéite. Charging them in the moonlight can cause them to lose their color or become cloudy.

If you’re someone who loves to charge their crystals under the moonlight, it’s essential to know which crystals are safe to do so. By understanding which crystals should not be charged in the moonlight, you can ensure that your crystals stay vibrant and energetically charged. So, let’s dive into the world of crystals and explore which ones cannot be charged in the moonlight, and why it’s essential to know.

What is Moon Charging?

Moon charging is a process of using the energy of the full moon to cleanse and charge crystals. It is believed that the energy of the full moon can amplify the energy of the crystals and help to restore their natural balance. Many people find moon charging to be an effective way to cleanse and recharge their crystals, as well as to enhance their own spiritual practices.

Why Some Crystals Should Not be Charged in the Moonlight

Not all crystals are suitable for moon charging. Some crystals may be damaged or even destroyed by exposure to the moonlight. This is because some crystals are sensitive to light and heat, and may react negatively to prolonged exposure to the moon’s rays. It is important to know which crystals are safe to charge in the moonlight and which ones should be avoided.

Crystals that Cannot be Charged in the Moonlight

While moonlight charging is beneficial for many crystals, there are certain crystals that should not be exposed to moonlight. Moonlight charging may not align with their energetic properties or could potentially damage them. It’s important to be aware of these crystals and use alternative methods for cleansing and energizing them. In this section, we will explore some crystals that are best suited for other charging methods.

1. Halite

Halite is a fragile crystal that is sensitive to moisture and easily dissolves in water. Exposing Halite to moonlight can cause it to absorb moisture, leading to a loss of integrity and potential cracking or crumbling. It is best to avoid putting Halite in moonlight. Instead, cleanse it on a natural surface or use a singing bowl. You can also recharge it by placing it in sunlight or burying it in the soil for a period.

2, Scolecite

Scolecite is a delicate crystal that is susceptible to fading and losing color when exposed to sunlight or moonlight. It is advisable to avoid putting Scolecite in moonlight. Instead, cleanse it on a natural surface or use a singing bowl. Recharge it by placing it in sunlight for a short time or holding it under running water for a few minutes.

3. Chrysanthemum Stone

Chrysanthemum Stone is a fragile crystal that can easily become damaged when exposed to moonlight, resulting in a loss of shine and possible cracking. To avoid this, it’s best to keep the stone away from moonlight. Cleanse it by placing it on a natural surface or using a singing bowl, and recharge it by placing it in sunlight or burying it in soil for a while.

4. Wulfenite

Wulfenite, a crystal containing lead, should not be exposed to sunlight or moonlight as it can release toxic fumes. It is not recommended to charge Wulfenite in moonlight. Instead, use alternative methods such as using a singing bowl or placing it on a natural surface to cleanse it. Recharging methods include short exposure (20 minutes) to sunlight or burying it in soil for a period.

5. Ulexite

Ulexite is a delicate crystal that can break or crack easily if exposed to too much sunlight or moonlight. It is recommended to keep Ulexite away from moonlight. Purify it by placing it on a natural surface or using a singing bowl. To rejuvenate its energy, leave it under sunlight for 20 minutes or rinse it under running water for a few minutes.

6. Chalcanthite

Chalcanthite is a crystal that can dissolve in water and humidity, including moonlight. It is not advisable to put Chalcanthite under moonlight. Purify it by placing it on a natural surface or using a singing bowl. To renew its energy, you can expose it to sunlight for 30 minutes or bury it in soil for 24 hours.

7. Gaspéite

Gaspéite is a fragile crystal that can easily lose its luster if exposed to sunlight or moonlight. It’s best to avoid keeping Gaspéite under the moonlight. Purify it by placing it on a natural surface or using a singing bowl. Recharge its energy by exposing it to sunlight for 30 minutes or cleansing it with running water for 5 minutes.

These crystals should be handled with care and charged using alternative methods to preserve their integrity and maintain their vibrant energies.

What Crystals Can Be Charged in Moonlight?

Not all crystals can be charged in moonlight, as some may fade or become damaged when exposed to direct sunlight or specific moon phases. However, there are several crystals that thrive when charged in moonlight. Let’s take a closer look at some of them:

1. Clear Quartz: Amplifying Energy and Clarity

Clear Quartz, often referred to as the “master healer,” is an exceptional crystal for moonlight charging. Its transparent nature allows it to absorb and amplify energy, making it an excellent conduit for intention-setting and manifestation.

When charged in moonlight, Clear Quartz becomes even more attuned to its metaphysical properties, enhancing its ability to cleanse, balance, and energize both the body and mind. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or an overall energy boost, Clear Quartz is a wonderful crystal to charge in moonlight.

2. Selenite: Gentle Purification and Spiritual Connection

Selenite is a unique crystal known for its delicate appearance and powerful energy. It has a high vibration that facilitates spiritual growth, intuition, and deep meditation.

When charged in moonlight, Selenite becomes purified and cleansed, ready to release any negative or stagnant energies it may have absorbed. Moonlight charging enhances Selenite’s ability to connect with higher realms, making it an ideal crystal for spiritual practitioners and those seeking inner peace and clarity.

3. Amethyst: Intuition and Spiritual Awakening

Amethyst is a beloved crystal associated with spirituality, intuition, and emotional healing. Its soothing energy promotes relaxation and helps calm the mind during meditation.

Moonlight charging amplifies Amethyst’s connection to the divine and enhances its metaphysical properties, allowing it to facilitate spiritual growth, open intuition, and provide protection against negative energies. If you’re looking to deepen your spiritual practice or enhance your intuitive abilities, charging Amethyst in moonlight can be highly beneficial.

4. Moonstone: Embracing Feminine Energies and Emotional Healing

Moonstone, as its name suggests, has a strong connection to the moon and feminine energy. It is a stone of intuition, emotional healing, and balance. Charging Moonstone in moonlight enhances its nurturing and soothing qualities, allowing it to promote emotional well-being, enhance intuition, and support hormonal balance.

If you’re on a journey of self-discovery, inner healing, or wish to tap into your feminine energies, charging Moonstone in moonlight can help you harness its full potential.

5. Labradorite: Transformation and Intuition

Labradorite is a mesmerizing crystal known for its iridescent play of colors, often referred to as “the stone of transformation.” It is a highly mystical and protective crystal that activates the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth.

When charged in moonlight, Labradorite awakens its hidden depths and intensifies its energy, making it an excellent tool for personal transformation, inner exploration, and spiritual awakening.

6. Carnelian: Motivation and Creativity

Carnelian is a vibrant crystal that radiates passion, motivation, and creativity. It is known for its ability to stimulate the sacral chakra, the energy center associated with passion, sexuality, and creative expression.

Charging Carnelian in moonlight enhances its fiery energy and brings out its vibrant hues, making it an excellent crystal for those seeking motivation, inspiration, and a boost in artistic endeavors.

7. Citrine: Abundance and Positivity

Citrine is a joyful crystal that carries the energy of abundance, success, and positivity. It is often associated with the sun’s energy and is known to cleanse, energize, and manifest prosperity. Moonlight charging rejuvenates Citrine, allowing it to continue attracting positivity, abundance, and success into your life. If you’re seeking to enhance your manifestation practices or invite more positivity into your life, charging Citrine in moonlight can be highly beneficial.

These are just a few examples of crystals that can be charged in moonlight. Each crystal carries its own unique energy and properties, and moonlight charging amplifies and revitalizes these qualities. Remember to cleanse your crystals before and after moonlight charging to ensure their energy is clear and focused.

Incorporating moonlight charging into your crystal routine helps you deepen your connection with these beautiful gifts from the Earth and experience their transformative energy on a whole new level.

How to Charge Crystals in Moonlight

Charging crystals in the moonlight is a simple but effective method that allows them to replenish their energy and enhance their metaphysical properties. By following a few steps, you can ensure that your crystals receive the maximum benefit from moonlight charging. Here’s a detailed guide on how to charge your crystals in the moonlight:

1. Choosing the Right Time

The best time to charge your crystals in the moonlight is during the full moon phase. The full moon is a time of heightened energy and illumination, making it ideal for charging your crystals. However, you can also charge them during other moon phases based on your intentions and the properties of the crystals. Each moon phase carries its own unique energy that can align with different aspects of your crystal’s properties.

2. Preparing the Crystals

Before you charge your crystals, it’s important to cleanse them to remove any accumulated energy and reset their vibrations. There are various cleansing methods you can use, such as rinsing them under running water, smudging them with sage or palo santo, or placing them on a bed of sea salt. Choose a cleansing method that resonates with you and your crystals.

3. Finding a Suitable Location

Select an outdoor space where your crystals can receive direct moonlight. Ideally, find a spot where they won’t be disturbed and can soak up the moon’s energy undisturbed. If you don’t have access to outdoor space, a windowsill or balcony that receives moonlight can work as well. Ensure that the chosen location is safe and won’t expose your crystals to excessive moisture or potential damage.

4. Placing the Crystals

Once you’ve chosen the location, arrange your crystals in a way that allows them to receive maximum moonlight exposure. You can place them on a clean cloth, in a dedicated charging bowl or tray, or directly on the ground. If you have multiple crystals, consider their individual properties and intentions to arrange them in a way that creates a harmonious energy flow.

5. Allowing the Crystals to Charge

Leave your crystals in the moonlight overnight to allow them to absorb the lunar energy. If you’re charging them during a specific moon phase, consult a lunar calendar to determine the ideal duration for charging. Trust your intuition as well; if you feel that a shorter or longer charging time is needed, go with what feels right for you and your crystals.

6. Retrieving the Crystals

In the morning, retrieve your crystals from the charging area and express gratitude for the energy they have absorbed. Take a moment to connect with their renewed vibrations and set your intentions for their use. Remember to bring them inside before sunlight becomes too intense, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can fade or damage certain crystals.

By following these steps, you can effectively charge your crystals in the moonlight and harness their heightened energy for your spiritual practices. Remember to trust your intuition and work with crystals that resonate with you on a personal level. Moonlight charging is a beautiful way to connect with the natural energies around us and deepen our relationship with the crystal kingdom. Enjoy the process and the benefits it brings!

Alternatives to Moon Charging

If you have crystals that cannot be charged in the moonlight, there are other methods you can use to cleanse and charge them. Some alternatives include using sunlight, sound, water, or other crystals to charge your crystals. It is important to research each method carefully to ensure that it is safe for your specific crystals.

How to Charge Crystals in Moonlight

Charging crystals in the moonlight is a simple but effective method that allows them to replenish their energy and enhance their metaphysical properties. By following a few steps, you can ensure that your crystals receive the maximum benefit from moonlight charging. Here’s a detailed guide on how to charge your crystals in the moonlight:

1. Choosing the Right Time

The best time to charge your crystals in the moonlight is during the full moon phase. The full moon is a time of heightened energy and illumination, making it ideal for charging your crystals. However, you can also charge them during other moon phases based on your intentions and the properties of the crystals. Each moon phase carries its own unique energy that can align with different aspects of your crystal’s properties.

2. Preparing the Crystals

Before you charge your crystals, it’s important to cleanse them to remove any accumulated energy and reset their vibrations. There are various cleansing methods you can use, such as rinsing them under running water, smudging them with sage or palo santo, or placing them on a bed of sea salt. Choose a cleansing method that resonates with you and your crystals.

3. Finding a Suitable Location

Select an outdoor space where your crystals can receive direct moonlight. Ideally, find a spot where they won’t be disturbed and can soak up the moon’s energy undisturbed. If you don’t have access to outdoor space, a windowsill or balcony that receives moonlight can work as well. Ensure that the chosen location is safe and won’t expose your crystals to excessive moisture or potential damage.

4. Placing the Crystals

Once you’ve chosen the location, arrange your crystals in a way that allows them to receive maximum moonlight exposure. You can place them on a clean cloth, in a dedicated charging bowl or tray, or directly on the ground. If you have multiple crystals, consider their individual properties and intentions to arrange them in a way that creates a harmonious energy flow.

5. Allowing the Crystals to Charge

Leave your crystals in the moonlight overnight to allow them to absorb the lunar energy. If you’re charging them during a specific moon phase, consult a lunar calendar to determine the ideal duration for charging. Trust your intuition as well; if you feel that a shorter or longer charging time is needed, go with what feels right for you and your crystals.

6. Retrieving the Crystals

In the morning, retrieve your crystals from the charging area and express gratitude for the energy they have absorbed. Take a moment to connect with their renewed vibrations and set your intentions for their use. Remember to bring them inside before sunlight becomes too intense, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can fade or damage certain crystals.

By following these steps, you can effectively charge your crystals in the moonlight and harness their heightened energy for your spiritual practices. Remember to trust your intuition and work with crystals that resonate with you on a personal level. Moonlight charging is a beautiful way to connect with the natural energies around us and deepen our relationship with the crystal kingdom. Enjoy the process and the benefits it brings!

Moonlight Charging Tips and Precautions

While moonlight charging is generally safe and beneficial, here are a few tips and precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid Direct Sunlight: Some crystals may fade or become damaged when exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods. Stick to moonlight for charging purposes to ensure the best results.
  2. Be Mindful of Water-Sensitive Crystals: Crystals like selenite and celestite are water-sensitive and can dissolve or lose their luster when exposed to moisture. Make sure to bring them inside if there’s a chance of dew or rain.
  3. Use Intuition and Personal Preference: Trust your intuition when it comes to moonlight charging. If you feel drawn to charge a specific crystal, follow your instincts. Experiment with different moon phases and crystal combinations to discover what works best for you.

Benefits of Moonlight Charging

Moonlight charging offers several benefits for both the crystals and the individuals who work with them:

  1. Cleansing and Purifying: Moonlight has a purifying effect on crystals, helping to remove any accumulated negative energy and vibrations they may have absorbed.
  2. Enhancing Crystal Energy: Moonlight charging revitalizes the energetic properties of crystals, allowing them to work at their highest potential.
  3. Connecting with Lunar Energies: The moon has a profound influence on our emotions and spiritual energies. Moonlight charging helps establish a deeper connection with lunar energies, enhancing our intuition and inner wisdom.
  4. Amplifying Intention and Manifestation: Charging crystals in moonlight infuses them with powerful energy, amplifying the intentions we set for them and aiding in manifestation work.


Moonlight charging is a wonderful way to replenish and amplify the energy of your crystals. By selecting suitable crystals and following the charging process, you can enhance their metaphysical properties and benefit from their energies more deeply. Remember to embrace your own intuition and preferences when working with crystals, allowing them to guide you on your spiritual journey.

While moon charging is a popular and effective way to cleanse and charge crystals, it is important to know which crystals are safe to charge in the moonlight and which ones should be avoided. By avoiding charging the sensitive crystals in the moonlight, you can protect them from damage and ensure that they remain strong and effective in their energy properties.

When it comes to using crystals for healing and energy work, it is important to handle them with care and respect. Knowing which crystals are safe to charge in the moonlight and which ones should be avoided is just one way to ensure that you are treating your crystals with the attention and care that they deserve.

In summary, some crystals are not suitable for moon charging due to their sensitivity to light and heat. These crystals include halite, scolecite, chrysanthemum stone, wulfenite, ulexite, chalcanthite, and Gaspéite. However, there are alternative methods for charging and cleansing your crystals, including sunlight, sound, water, or other crystals. By using these alternative methods, you can still enjoy the benefits of crystal healing without risking damage to your precious stones.


Can I charge any crystal in the moonlight?

While many crystals can be charged in moonlight, some may be sensitive to sunlight or specific moon phases. It’s important to research and ensure the crystal you want to charge is suitable for moonlight exposure.

Can I charge multiple crystals together?

Yes, you can charge multiple crystals together in the moonlight. In fact, placing crystals with complementary energies or intentions together can create a powerful synergy.

What if I can’t access direct moonlight?

If direct moonlight is not accessible, you can place your crystals near a window or outside where they can still receive indirect moonlight. Alternatively, you can use moonlight-charged water or moonstone to charge your crystals.

How often should I charge my crystals in the moonlight?

The frequency of moonlight charging depends on your intuition and the specific needs of your crystals. Some people prefer to charge them during every full moon, while others do it less frequently. Trust your intuition and observe how your crystals respond.

Can I charge crystals in different moon phases?

Yes, you can charge crystals in different moon phases based on their properties and your intentions. Each moon phase carries unique energy that can enhance specific aspects of your crystals’ properties.

Can I still use crystals that cannot be charged in the moonlight?

Absolutely! You can use these crystals just as you would any other crystal. They may still have powerful healing and energy properties, even if they cannot be charged in the moonlight.

How do I know if my crystal is sensitive to moonlight?

If you are unsure whether your crystal can be charged in the moonlight, do some research or consult with a trusted crystal healer. Some crystals are more sensitive than others, and it is important to know which ones to avoid.

Can I charge all of my crystals at once?

It is generally best to charge your crystals one at a time to ensure that each crystal receives the full benefit of the charging process. However, you can charge multiple crystals at once if you prefer.

Can I charge my crystals using any method?

There are many methods for charging and cleansing crystals, but not all methods are safe for all crystals. It is important to research each method carefully to ensure that it is safe for your specific crystals.

Can I still meditate with crystals that cannot be charged in the moonlight?

Yes, you can still meditate with these crystals. The energy and properties of the crystal are still present, regardless of whether it has been charged in the moonlight or not.